


don’t fool yourself
she was heartache from the moment that you met her

#babies #because it’s wrong and it’s bad and we shouldn’t #supernatural #i cannot you guys there was the ask team free will tumblr that i blocked #and someone asked ‘sam do you miss ruby’ #and he wrote NEVER. #WHAT. #SHUT UP FANDOM #(except sam would never say out loud he misses ruby because of dean. dean is a fucking bully sometime tbh)

fgkfgjf, WHAAAT. …also, “this” as an agreement in the, “oh my god, shut up fandom” business. Just because Sam/Ruby wasn’t happy fluffy bunnies and rainbow-crapping unicorns doesn’t mean that what they had wasn’t love. Love nourishes the soul and lifts you up where you belong and blah blah blah yadda yadda standard stuff; but love also destroys and has fangs and could burn down entire worlds, if let loose. Sam/Ruby was love of the destructive bent. I would really love to add to this, but I’m mostly incoherent and have a puppy sleeping on my leg, so… that’s what you’ve got. For now.

#otp: there’s a darkness around me that’s flooded in light #tag appreciation posts #I WOULD ALSO LIKE TO TAKE A MOMENT TO POINT OUT THE HYPOCRISY IN HATING SAMRUBY #WHILE LAUDING DEANCAS OR WINCEST OR BOTH #(as these are usually the ships of choice for people who bash samruby in my experience)#BECAUSE DEANCAS AND WINCEST ARE NOT HAPPY SHIPS #BOTH ARE CASE STUDIES IN THE DESTRUCTIVE POTENTIAL OF LOVE #THEY HAVE THE POTENTIAL FOR HAPPINESS BUT FUCK MAN SO DID SAMRUBY #but oh. okay. ruby’s female-presenting and a demon and ‘screwed sam over’ #NOT FROM HER PERSPECTIVE SHE DIDN’T YOU DICKS #oh but ok. she’s female-presenting and a demon so her perspective is apparently invalid #fuck you guys #fucking fandom #i mean i shouldn’t be surprised #this clusterfuck of a fandom has A HUGE NUMBER OF PEOPLE who legit think #that samdean should be made of fluff and rainbow puking unicorns #because BAWWWW THEY REALLY LOVE EACH OTHER THOUGH #never mind that what you’re mistaking for the truest love to ever true love is actually very unhealthy and codependent #THIS FANDOM SHOULD NOT NEED SEPARATE LJ COMMS FOR FUCKING DARKFIC #ditto for deancas #there’s ALL THE ANGST and ALL THE DARKFIC and ALL THE IMBALANCE OF POWER just written into the text of their relationship #but almost all of the fic is like LA LA LA HAPPY RAINBOWS AND GAAAAAY AND GROSSLY OBJECTIFYING PORTRAYALS OF QUEER RELATIONSHIPS LOOOOL #and don’t even get me started on SamGabriel and fucking Sassy man #MADE. OF. GODDAMN. DARK. FIC #that NO ONE FUCKING WRITES #because BUT IT’S SO MUCH NICER TO JUST HAVE SAM AND GABRIEL TALK ABOUT SALADS VS. CANDY #also gabriel apologism makes me want to dropkick watermelons #yes he’s understandable and to a degree empathize-able #this does NOT make him any less of a douchebag who seems to think rape is funny #fuck fandom; i’m gonna take my ball and go sit with a bunch of feminists and have tea and cookies

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