




There is a significant difference between consenting BDSM and abuse.

“If A Dom tells you you will be punished for Safewording, run”


I saw that on my Dash yesterday, and I commented on it (of course. When do I NOT comment on things), and now I have a bit of a text post I need to make.

In addition to the above statement, beware of any Dominant/Master/Mistress who tells you that safewords are not valid during a punishment. Run from them as fast as you would run from any Dominant who doesn’t like safewords. These people are not Dominants, they are abusers, no matter if they are male or female.

There’s a disturbing trend I’ve seen lately, where safewords are starting to be considered bad, or obsolete, or the sign of a submissive who isn’t “really a submissive”, or even a sign of weakness.

No. Stop. This is a BAD train of thought.

Safewords are important. Vitally important. They protect both the Dom/me and the submissive. They protect the submissive from obviously having serious harm done to her, and they protect the Dominant from harming the submissive, and possibly breaking their trust.

Please, PLEASE take safewords seriously at all times. Whether it’s during a punishment, or any other type of scene. They are a method of communication that those involved in the Community cannot allow to fall by the wayside, because we, as in everyone who participates in BDSM, need them. They are for the benefit of EVERYONE involved.