

Reblogging this with the final scanned images from my sketchbook! All of this was drawn this past week.

Once more for evening folks


reasons to love intrepid interdimensional intern dana (most of them headcanons im pretty sure are true)

  • correct me if im wrong but im pretty certain shes the intern whos stuck around (survived) the longest which means shes badass AND lucky and everyone in that unfortunate town needs badassery and luck
  • even while inside the dreaded forbidden dog park she does her best to inform cecil via text message on what she discovers and this is while she is starving which is making her shake so badly she screws up her typing and cecil can barely read through the typos but she does it she fills him in on the dog parks mysteries and finishes that up with a dry witty request for food oh my god dana
  • personally i like to think she kicked her doubles ass in that sandstorm fight. the surviving dana is the real dana. there can only be one dana. the real one
  • shes an intern so theres a high possibility she isnt being paid to do any of this and my headcanon is that this is the case and she does it because she loves the job even the mundane bits of it she gets to experience (mundane until the sandstorm and the dog park yknow what i mean). when she was little she wanted so badly to be a reporter she interviewed her family members and her pets and when mutant hyenas or stegosauri or librarians ransacked the town cant you just imagine sturdy determined lil six year old dana chasing them with her notebook and tape recorder in hand so she could ask them questions while the rest of the town ran away screaming in terror
  • she developed a special dana voice for broadcasting although she hasnt had the chance to use it except for sometimes when she needs to terrify the living daylights out of someone
  • this + how i imagine her to be fond and protective of cecil (when he rambles on about carlos for too long and station management begins to get restless and angry and thrashy, shes the one who signals that its time for him to get back on track so he doesnt get in trouble or killed) =
  • one day carlos stops by nvcr to visit cecil at work and cecil asks dana if she’d be willing to take over for just a few minutes so he and carlos can have a little um chat somewhere private so dana briefly becomes the voice of night vale and she gets to use her special dana voice and she is just thrilled and exhilarated and so happy because sometimes this intern stuff is a piece of shit but she gets to do what she loves
  • !!!INTERN DANA!!!