
you gonna finish those tots no ok

meet the blogger

  • do you usually sleep with your closet door open or closed? cLOSED CHR I ST FUCK OPEN DOORS WHEN I’M SLEEPING OKAY
  • do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels? uh m idk actually i wasn’t the one paying attention to hotel bath and body stuff. never stayed at one alone either uwu.
  • where is your next vacation? n o idea omfg. hopefully in SC idk
  • who do you think reads these? om f g no one. maybe a small handful of you who actually care to check idk.
  • so you have a calendar in your room? neeeeooppp
  • what’s your plan for the day? you imply i have one
  • are you reading any books right now? mmmmm Princess Academy: Palace of Stone
  • do you ever count your steps when you walk? yes no i don’t remember. i do s ome thi ng when i walk? but i don’t remember exactly what it is. i think it involves counting but i don’t count total steps? i like reset at every crack i think idk it’s weird.
  • do you ever dance even if there’s no music playing? yeeeeup pretty much.
  • do you chew your pens and pencils? hELLS YEAH. i have a thing about putting my writing utensil in my mouth i won’t even notice i do it. chewing less so unless it’s a straw, but mouth yes.
  • what is your “song of the week”? ooo fuck i have multiple rn. “Do It With A Rockstar” and “Until We Bleed” rn.
  • is it okay for guys to wear pink? why the fucking hell wouldn’t it be who the fuck evens asks this qUESTION SERIOUSLY [pUFFS UP ANGRILY]
  • do you still watch cartoons? fuck yea h
  • what do you drink with dinner? the wateriest water to ever water
  • what do you dip chicken nuggets in? fuckin the blood of tomatoes aka the glorious ketchup
  • what is your favorite food/cuisine? idk uh i just like food?? maybe mexican it’s a comfort food but idk i’m fond of italian too.
  • what movies could you watch over and over and still love? idk probably all my favorites meaning Avengers and Iron Man and Pacific Rim and idk I don’t watch a lot of movies.
  • when was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? l o l how should i know
  • can you change the oil on a car? aaaahahahahhhh…no. but i want to.
  • best thing to eat for breakfast? idk i’m not good with breakfast i’m not hungry in the morning. best breakfast food has gotta
  • what is your usual bedtime? a ahahha ahha you imply i have a usual bedtime.
  • are you lazy? ….m ayb e.
  • afraid of heights? mmmm a little bit? not a lot i don’t think.
  • occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? i wanted to be a veterinarian bc my mom was one and i loved animals. i don’t think i could handle it now though uwu;;. medical things i just. ._.
  • hot tea or cold tea: depends. hot tea for when i want soothing or warmth, but i love sweet tea.
  • tea or coffee? i usually go with tea since i can’t handle the high caffeine, but i prolly prefer decaf coffee more.
  • favorite kind of cookie? cHOCOLATE CHIP MMMMMMM
  • can you swim well? hell to the fuck to the yes. i’ve been swimming since i was a year old. i was on swim team back in the day uwu.
  • can you hold your breath w/o manually holding your nose? ofc how the fuck do you think i swim
  • who do you want to see right now? mmmm my sibling Jenwyn. also Amy but that’s a given. idk outside of that tho bc i’m kinda irritable rn i’m torn between wanting people around and wanting them to gooo the fuck away.


Chicken Gyros

On a recent visit to Whole Foods, I of course found myself staring at the lovely carb section (aka the breads, bagels, and muffins area). I blame the carb need on the 6 mile run I had just finished, but who’s kidding whom here? I love carbs and always will. I found some of their whole wheat pitas  and knew that I needed to make some gyros. Earlier in the week I found a recipe for tzatziki dip off of skinnytaste. The recipe is marvelous by the way—way better than anything else you can buy at the grocery store. I was feeling lazy since it was a Saturday, so I decided to buy a rotisserie chicken to go with it. A few hours later this little gem was created. It was delicious and made for a perfect lunch the next day. If you do pack these for a lunch, I recommend packing the dip in a separate container and adding it on right before you eat the gyro. Nobody likes soggy pita bread.

For the tzatziki dip, see here:


Baked or grilled chicken (1-2 chicken breasts or a rotisserie chicken)

1 cup raw spinach

1 small tomato, sliced 

4 slices cucumber

1 slice of provolone (this can be optional)

sprinkle of fresh dill

tzatziki dip

**You can adjust the measurements for varied portion sizes and amounts.**

Warm the pita breads in the microwave for 10-15 seconds so they can soften a little. Add 1 1/2 tbsp. of tzatziki dip per pita bread. Layer the cheese, chicken, spinach, and vegetables. Top with dill.


Aside from preparing the dip (which is also really easy), this is a quick and easy meal. You could make this with grilled lamb or steak if you prefer and add any assortment of vegetables that you like. This is just a general idea of how to make your own gyros instead of going to a Greek restaurant and spending the money on a less healthy version. Hope you guys enjoy!