

les mis au where grantaire is the leader in red and enjolras is the cynic who admires from afar

Okay I was going to do this in tags but then my brain exploded and I realised it wouldn’t fit, so here I go, and I apologise now, feel free to remove if you wanna reblog without this all on it:

What if this is true, this one aspect switched but every other part of them the same. What are you left with?

Grantaire wouldn’t be a feverently passionate leader, no great god on high, he wouldn’t shine and be powerful. He’d be a human leader. A painter, a dancer, a fighter, he’d understand human nature and be part of it and that’s where his glory would come from, through his ability to connect to the everyman. Full of laughter and bad jokes, willing to share a glass and to get pissed with you, he’d be the one in prison with you, he’d be the friend at your shoulder telling you you can do this. He’s the leader that helps you to lead yourself. Sharply intelligent, near unbeatable in arguments, using all forms of rhetoric to defeat his opponent, but he’d do it with a grin, enjoying each word, and making others smile with him.

Then you’d have the man who’s had hope and lost it all, leaving him passionate about everything that fails. Cold and calculating in his anger against the world, about eveything that had his heart and everything that let him down. Passion that’s festered and devolved into hatred. And all this in one man, finds another who loves all of humanity and all the creativity that it pours forth. Having lost all hope only to find it again in a man who has faith in everything his friends can do.

Now that’s an AU that I’d love to explore. How would those two be in an argument? Bitter Enjolras yelling at a happily drunk Grantaire that he’s being stupid, careless, for Grantaire to retort eloquently and sharply, leaving Enjolras to toss his argument aside.

You are an imbecile. You will fail, as Icarus failed,’

‘Ah, but what a great view he must have had. To fly so close to sun, for but a short while – is not such beauty and such an achievement worth risking an early grave? And besides, what evidence have you that we will not do better, not be more wise than ill-fated Icarus?’ 

‘Oh, yes. You’re near blind from drink, a jester, no more. Obviously, such men will always succeed to fly.’ 

‘Oh, be serious.’

I am wild.’

lezjolras replied to your post: “lezjolras replied to your post: “hi my name is samare and today, i’m…”:

you and me! always been like wjierfj and idk in the past, petting the Samare has been acceptable if from the Jenwyn. Jenwyn would never though if it made Samare unhappy. but snuggles is best. ❤ ily bb

ehehehe yyy. well, dis v true. i supposed hair pets may be acceptable bc ngfhkjdngfsfbg hair pets. ily too ❤

lezjolras replied to your post: “hi my name is samare and today, i’m angry about everything. e v e r y…”:

can I touch the air around the Samare? or should I just send lots of non-touchy love? because love. xoxoxox

you may touch the air around the Samare only on the grounds i’m cracking up at the reference omfg. ❤

lezjolras replied to your post:“dkfdkjfnbdfb i want a tattoo kfdjnbkdfnb”

*coughs* 😀


lezjolras replied to your post:“ofmggg so earlier my little sister was pointing out this…”

OMG SO when she visited, we washed my sheets and she helped me put them back on my bed and she was totally looking at them like O_o but was all nevermind so I went oh you want to know what it is? it’s blood bECAUSE I KILLED A MAN I KILLED ALL THE MEN

kdjgfdlkdfb omfggggg i can’t i’m dying of laughter i’m done so done omfggg, lmao