Can you do a top 5 most bad ass Aang moments gifset?


I definitely could manage that. Let’s gets this badass list started:

#5 — Effortlessly Awesome

Aang pulls off this wonderful juxtaposition between a kid that loves running around chasing penguins but also nonchalantly being an incredibly skilled fighter. Case and point in the wonderfully staged attack on the Earth King’s palace. Just 9 episodes ago he couldn’t move a rock to save his life, now without looking he bitchslaps a massive bolder into dust. It’s this amazing combination of his lighthearted personality mixed with an amazing fighting presence and complete lack of arrogance that makes this moment, and Aang in general, so great. 

#4 — Outsmarts His Enemies 

Aang doesn’t get enough credit for his intelligence. For such a young guy he is remarkably good at reading people and their weaknesses. This is brilliantly exemplified by his fight with Zhao up on the ships in The Deserter. He recognises Zhao’s lack of restraint and promptly skips around the place insulting him. Aang doesn’t throw a single punch yet he comprehensively wins the fight because Zhao destroys his only means of transportation. This is an experienced war commander losing to a 12 year old pacifist. It’s brilliant. 

#3 — Charms The Pants Off Anyone

One of the defining interpersonal traits that Aang has that makes him such a great person and even better Avatar is his heartwarming charm. He throws a dance party for a group of kids that have been socialized to hate everything he stands for as the Avatar. But Aang recognizes they are the future of the Fire Nation and that showing them a glimpse of freedom is the best he can do for them in that moment in time. And as Toph rightly points out, who knew Twinkletoes could dance? It’s such a great moment as it shows everything Aang is as an Avatar — committed, generous and graced with impeccable timing. 

#2 — It’s Not Over

Who knew having a staring contest with a glowing fish could be this awesome? Well it is. Music, cinematography and atmosphere all combine perfectly to make an unforgettable moment in the S1 finale. Aang enters the Avatar State through sheer force of will. The music rises as he stands in the center of the oasis while the Koi fish circles him. Then it all goes silent as he descends into the pitch blackness of the pond and emerges as a really awesome fish. Even Zhao would happily admit how badass this is, assuming one can talk underwater. 

#1 — Even With All The Power In The World

Aang has tons of moments where he uses his guile and strength to beat opponents. Equally there are numerous times where he uses the Avatar State to comprehensively overpower his enemies. But what still arguably stands out the most is that even with the ability to end his most despicable opponent, he still stays completely true to his moral beliefs. Ozai is the embodiment of an ideology that wiped out his entire people. He torments, assaults and humiliates Aang throughout their only battle. Yet when the time comes where Aang could end it all in a single moment and take the easy way out, he resists. It is testament to Aang’s character and stature that with all the power in the world he’s still just a kind hearted pacifist and that frankly makes him a complete badass. 




You look after him for me.



Say what you will about the episode though, the last frame of Cas’ face falling when Dean tells him he has to leave was fucking brilliant (and entirely due to Misha’s amazing acting).  Because the episode showed a Cas who, despite all the pain and hardship he was enduring- the loss of his faith, the loss of his identity, the loss of his family- was coping.  He may have been thrown by all the nitty gritty details of being human, but he was also finding beauty in all the chaos as well.  People who had nothing who were still willing to share what they had.  People who cared so deeply about their family, their spouses, and who could find faith even when there was nothing left to have faith in.  He smiled and laughed, had sex and made connections with people.  He may have been running, and he may have lost everything, but there is still a lot to gain from humanity-

Except that Castiel is depressed, and has been depressed for quite some time, and there is only so long that you can spend running away from that.

In the last frame we can see it in the way all the cheer he’d been wearing collapses.  The burdens that Cas has been carrying can’t be pushed aside just because he’s human now.  The guilt seeps into every corner of his life, and when he finally gets real hope that maybe things won’t be too bad, it gets knocked out from under him by his best friend.  This is how depression and guilt work sometimes.  You push yourself past them, you ignore them, you focus on the things that you have that are worth living for, you grow to the point where maybe, just maybe, things will be okay- and something comes along, big or small, that pushes you down again, even further than you were before, and your stuck looking up at your best friend telling you that you can’t stay, and suddenly all those good things don’t seem all that great anymore.

ALSO THE ONE THING I WANT TO KNOW IS THAT I want to know why Hermann is your favourite.



My first reason for liking Hermann is kind of like what I observe most people’s reasons are for liking Newt — I identify really, really strongly with him, or I’d even go so far to say as he’s what I see myself as wanting to be because I see that possibility. I’m not good at math and I’m not left-brained, I’m nowhere near him intellectually, but I would still like to have an impact on the future, an impact on the world, with my cruddy health and body. And in the universe of Pacific Rim, he was living proof that that was possible.

You don’t see that in many movies. If someone in a sci-fi movie is disabled or has some sort of crippling medical problem, they usually have something else that ‘makes up’ for it (Professor Xavier, for example). But Hermann doesn’t need anything to ‘make up’ for it because he’s an amazing, talented, genius person even with his setbacks. His setbacks aren’t even really setbacks at all. 

Another reason I really like Hermann is because I think he and Newt both really breach the line between comic relief and serious characters. Like, at the beginning of the movie, you see Hermann as a character, he has unique speech patterns and distinctive characteristics, he almost seems like a parody of himself. But as the movie goes on and you get to the end you start to see that wow he’s not the comic relief, he and Newt are actually really fucking important to the story. I really dislike the ‘comic relief’ trope in filmmaking where you can only be one or the other, a heroic character that contributes to the plot, or the funny one. I love how Newt and Hermann, but Hermann especially to me, kick character tropes in the face. Hermann’s the rambling British scientist who talks a mile a minute and thinks he’s smarter than everyone…. but oh, right. He also comes up with the solution that’s ultimately used to save the world. You can be a total character and an important person. Wow. 

And I love the small details that Guillermo chose to put in the movie regarding Hermann, little things, so we don’t see his entire story but get enough that we can start putting the pieces together. The toy airplane in the drift, the eye test in the drift, the saluting, his big army parka, even little shit like the teacup on his side of the laboratory, he’s a secondary character but he’s a fully fleshed out person. In my opinion he’s a prime example of a perfect secondary character. 


Had a request for Hannibal Chau’s tatts.

He’s got card suits on the knuckles of both hands. At first blush, they look like they are from the Dead Man’s hand, which traditionally would make the suits two spades and two clubs. But, from index to pinky the suits appear to be diamond, club, spade, club. (Am I misreading one of the clubs? Is it a heart? It makes more sense to complete the suits of cards than to repeat the club, but…) He appears to have nothing on his thumbs.

He has a swallow on the back of each hand. It looks like fairly standard flash.

Behind his left ear appears to be a Kaiju kill symbol, similar to what’s on the Striker Eureka flight jackets and drift suits.

There is another tattoo on the right side of his neck, just at the collar line, but I can’t quite tell what it is. (EDIT: It could be his calling card Kaiju symbol. That would make sense.)