



Fallon Fox is the world’s first trans MMA fighter. Deal with it.

[Read Her Story Here.]

Probably going to annoy people but … It’s good that trans people are allowed to be MMA fighters but if we must “deal with it” and by the tone it is obviously not a big deal (which it isn’t) why are they pointing out Fallon is a trans fighter? She should just be a fighter. I wouldn’t have known she was trans if not for people publicizing it.

Because 1 in 12 transgender people will be murdered.

Because 70% of those murders will be perpetrated against people of color.

Because 50% of transgender people will be victims of violence.

Because 25% of transgender people are victims of physical/sexual assault.

Because 49% of transgender people will attempt suicide at some point in their life.

Because 18% of all homeless youth are transgender.

Because 15% of all transgender people live in extreme poverty.

Because 16% are forced to work in an underground economy to survive.

Because despite all of these statistics, transgender people account for less than 5% of the population.

Because seeing people like her give us hope.

And sometimes, that shit fucking matters.

Dear Fellow Cis People:

Can we not do the thing? Y’know, the thing where we say, “Why does it matter?” out loud instead of keeping that shit to ourselves? Can we not shit on a moment of celebration for trans* people just once. Please?



  • Witnessed parents’ murder as a child
  • Spent adolescence training to one day avenge parents’ murder
  • Taken into the care of a British surrogate father who used to be a professional badass himself, but now mostly concerns himself with trying to protect his new charge during their quest for revenge, often reminding them of how much danger they’re putting themselves in to avenge their parents
  • Wears all black
  • Has no superpowers other than top-notch intellect and combat skills

Now ask yourself

Am I describing Batman or Mako Mori?


#dean is so proud (x)

lezjolras replied to your post:“ofmggg so earlier my little sister was pointing out this…”

OMG SO when she visited, we washed my sheets and she helped me put them back on my bed and she was totally looking at them like O_o but was all nevermind so I went oh you want to know what it is? it’s blood bECAUSE I KILLED A MAN I KILLED ALL THE MEN

kdjgfdlkdfb omfggggg i can’t i’m dying of laughter i’m done so done omfggg, lmao