As egos collide, Black Widow—street name, Natasha Romanova—is the only character who does not throw a monstrous hissyfit. The only character to gather actionable intelligence against Loki from Loki. The character who not only literally kicks sense back into the brainwashed Hawkeye, but then absolves him of any sins performed while under the loony god’s spell.

You want fearless? When midtown Manhattan is swarming with thousands of robo-aliens, the dreaded Chitauri, Black Widow commandeers one of their slippery aero-sleds and flies it to steal Loki’s glowing phallic scimitar so as to save the world so Iron Man can blow up the aliens.

From an article about the reviews downplaying/ignoring the importance of Black Widow in the film, and the role of women in action in general. (via honeyspider)

“I’ve got red in my ledger. I’d like to wipe it out.”

fight like a girl

Love is for children, I owe him a debt. 

BDSM content.



That awkward moment when two master assassins resort to hair pulling and biting

 #the mating rituals of the black widow and the hawk are complex and beautiful #here we have a male trying to assert his dominance over the female by pulling her hair (a common foreplay technique among her kind) #not to be cowed so easily; the female retaliates by sinking her fangs into the hawks vulnerable wings #having found each other worthy the two then mate frantically for several hours at a time #this phenomenon can be witnessed at several confirmed mating sites such at budapest

This is the greatest