
In his defense, Newton did apologize the next morning as Hermann was huffing about their room, glaring at the teeth marks and the bruises left when Newton’s tongue wrapped around his neck. It was only bad luck that Hermann was called away before he could sift through his wardrobe for a way to hide the offending evidence.

Hermann found himself going through his day, pulling up his shirt collar whenever he thought of it, which was quite often, as the looks he was given made him quite aware of how Newton had claimed him. Newton himself wasn’t helping, as the beast was always in his head now, and given that he was sequestered away either in their room or in the lab, alone, he had found a way to pass the time. Namely, whispering thoughts in to Hermann’s head. Thoughts that left Hermann gasping in mid stride, legs almost giving out under him as the white hot surge through his brain rushed straight to his dick. Newton’s odd giggle would reverberate in his head as Hermann excused himself from wherever he was at the time, to the nearest private area to pump vigorously on himself, rattling off a litany of curses in any language he knew the words in,both in his head and with his mouth, all directed at Newton. He was too preoccupied to listen at the feedback in his head to realize that Newton was drinking in the words, using his tentacles to do what his claws could not.

Of course, he didn’t get through his day without a single comment. Tendo was the one who smirked at him, saying “You know, when pets misbehave, we usually put a collar on them to keep ‘em in line.”

Hermann had offered a gruff apology about needing to clean his chalkboard before making a beeline for the door, the now familiar burning spike straight to his crotch making it difficult to think.

For the love of – I’m working on freelance now. Can these fuckers leave my brain alone for, like, five goddamn minutes?

Follow up to this art and this fic.