rhyscoiro replied to your post: burn and charlie are on m…

wait what

aaaa didn’t you hear? burn got invited as a guest star on charlie’s show! (It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia if you haven’t heard of it.) the new ep is airing for me rn.

thAT’s really pretty gosh but no omg i have no idea what it means my first thought was that it said “fey” but then i read the rest so tellll meeeeeee

aaaAAAA thank you omgosh i’ve been searching for a pretty design of sOMETHING meaningful to me for yEARS, and i have other ideas i adore that i can never nail down? but this one just came to me and it’s perfect omg. and eheheheheehhh yes “fey” is a good word it’s the decoy word for the original meaning even though i really like it bc it has a shitton of meanings that i could actually divulge on.

dancefrancerevolution replied to your post: holy fuucckkk i found a p…



10 points to the house of your choice for attempting to guess what it means

lezjolras replied to your post: “lezjolras replied to your post: “hi my name is samare and today, i’m…”:

you and me! always been like wjierfj and idk in the past, petting the Samare has been acceptable if from the Jenwyn. Jenwyn would never though if it made Samare unhappy. but snuggles is best. ❤ ily bb

ehehehe yyy. well, dis v true. i supposed hair pets may be acceptable bc ngfhkjdngfsfbg hair pets. ily too ❤

lezjolras replied to your post: “hi my name is samare and today, i’m angry about everything. e v e r y…”:

can I touch the air around the Samare? or should I just send lots of non-touchy love? because love. xoxoxox

you may touch the air around the Samare only on the grounds i’m cracking up at the reference omfg. ❤