Self Care for Monsters


This isn’t so much a list of self care activities, as things I wish every monster could hear.

It’s okay to be a monster.

  • Even if society says it’s not.
  • Even if you feel like monsters aren’t okay.
  • It’s okay. You have a right to exist.
  • Being a monster isn’t the same as being someone who is actively hurting others.
  • It’s really okay.

You don’t deserve to be hated for who you are.

  • Nobody does. Including you.
  • You are not inherently less than others, and you deserve respect and decency.
  • Even if society disagrees.

You deserve to have a safe space if you want it.

  • Even if it’s just a small patch, you deserve somewhere to feel safe.
  • Everyone does.
  • But sometimes what’s safe for a monster isn’t safe for others.
  • Make sure people understand about your safe spaces, and that not everyone will be welcome, or even encouraged to share it with you.
  • But it’s still okay to want to feel safe.

It’s okay to express yourself.

  • You have the right express your emotions.
  • That includes anger.
  • You don’t have the right to harm others in your expressions of emotions.
  • But you should be allowed to express yourself in nonharmful ways.
  • Even if your expressions look weird or different or may look scary to others-this goes with safe spaces-find ways and beings you can express things too.

Your voice matters and your opinion deserves to be heard.

  • You are not less of a person because you are a monster.
  • People will try to say you are.
  • They are wrong.
  • They just don’t want to think about monsters as people because it’s messy. 
  • You matter.

Having violent thoughts does not make you bad, wrong, or not worthy of consideration.

  • It just doesn’t.

You have the right to your sexuality, as long as all involved are consenting and no one is being harmed.

  • Even if it’s weird. Or kinky. Or different.
  • Having fetishes and paraphilias doesn’t make you a bad person.
  • Society will judge you for this. You’ll have to be careful who you trust. I’m so sorry.
  • It’s still okay to have your own expression of sexuality, and your own relationship with sex. No one should force you to change it.

You should be able to receive help IF YOU WANT IT.

  • Finding someone who will help monsters can be hard.
  • But you still have the right to competent help. That doesn’t change just because you’re a monster.
  • You also have the right to refuse help.
  • Some people would rather stay monsters, and that’s okay.

 You don’t deserve to be demonized.

  • I’m sorry you’re a scapegoat.
  • I’ll never know your full story, I just know mine.
  • You don’t deserve this.
  • Being a monster doesn’t mean you need to be punished or hurt.

It’s not easy to be a monster in a world full of not monsters. I wish I could help. I wish I could make it easier for you. All I can say is my inbox is open if you need to talk. I won’t judge you. I won’t yell at you. I’ll just listen.

Good luck.






Source: An inside look at ADHD.

Follow Francesca Mura on Pinterest

Me 100% of the time. Luckily Ito help for my ADD when I was a child

fun facts!

  • ADD and ADHD are the same disorder, Attention Deficit Disorder was officially renamed Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in 1994. Many people use ADD to refer to Type One presented here, and ADHD to refer to Type Two, but they are the same core disorder.
  • In many cases where ADHD carries into adulthood, it’s a genetic issue [My grandfather, mother, siblings, and I have all been diagnosed with ADHD], though this does not always occur.

hello yes this is me

more fun facts!

  • there are a lot of talks about how ADHD is overdiagnosed, and that may be true for boys, but for girls ADHD is severely underdiagnosed.
  • older studies mostly looked at hyperactive boys and that’s the perception we have of ADHD. because of this many girls will go undiagnosed until adulthood.
  • most girls/women who have ADHD are inattentive type. they tend to be introverted, disorganized and daydreamers. 
  • girls will internalize these as personal failings and teenage girls have a much higher rate of suicide and self harm because of it
  • ADHD is often comorbid with anxiety and depression, both of which are caused by the failings from having ADHD
  • depression can present itself differently in people with ADHD. it’s more of a discouragement from constantly failing, but it can be just as debilitating.
  • read this article from the atlantic: It’s Different for Girls with ADHD


Very useful for writing a character with ADHD and getting over the ‘lol so hyper!!!!!!’ stereotype.


people who act like having characters in the media of all races and sexualities and genders as well as characters with disabilities and different body types would be “unrealistic” and “wouldn’t make sense”…

as if anywhere you go, there wouldn’t be people of different races, sexualities, genders, body types, with disabilities???? the only thing that doesn’t make sense here is the fact that apparently everywhere these people go, all they see is white, cishet, ablebodied thin people