lezjolras replied to your post: “lezjolras replied to your post: “hi my name is samare and today, i’m…”:

you and me! always been like wjierfj and idk in the past, petting the Samare has been acceptable if from the Jenwyn. Jenwyn would never though if it made Samare unhappy. but snuggles is best. ❤ ily bb

ehehehe yyy. well, dis v true. i supposed hair pets may be acceptable bc ngfhkjdngfsfbg hair pets. ily too ❤

lezjolras replied to your post:“ofmggg so earlier my little sister was pointing out this…”

OMG SO when she visited, we washed my sheets and she helped me put them back on my bed and she was totally looking at them like O_o but was all nevermind so I went oh you want to know what it is? it’s blood bECAUSE I KILLED A MAN I KILLED ALL THE MEN

kdjgfdlkdfb omfggggg i can’t i’m dying of laughter i’m done so done omfggg, lmao