okay no really though why isn’t there a way for people who don’t wants boobs to donate them to those who do I mean fucking come on that would solve so many problems I s2g.

my cats understand me and my chickenshit tendencies.

did u think i was kiddin about hiding in the kitchen from the scary noises bc u would be wrong. the kitchen has the salt also knives and no one will see me from the outside.

so i was completely unaffected by going to the local Nightmare Factory staged haunted house thing, but i got terrified of random loud noises outside that i actually am now sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor hiding from all doors and windows?? yes this is logic.

rhyscoiro replied to your post: burn and charlie are on m…

wait what

aaaa didn’t you hear? burn got invited as a guest star on charlie’s show! (It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia if you haven’t heard of it.) the new ep is airing for me rn.