
people who act like having characters in the media of all races and sexualities and genders as well as characters with disabilities and different body types would be “unrealistic” and “wouldn’t make sense”…

as if anywhere you go, there wouldn’t be people of different races, sexualities, genders, body types, with disabilities???? the only thing that doesn’t make sense here is the fact that apparently everywhere these people go, all they see is white, cishet, ablebodied thin people



the reason people get tired of educating, explaining, reasoning, sounding out

is that it just never ends

and its the same shit over and over again

people just continually fuck your shit up

and you have to smile and grit your teeth and go, ‘yo thats actually fucked, please don’t do it’

and when people you like and admire do it

do and say the same stuff you are forced to devote your energy to fighting

its like being kicked in the teeth

this is why people have flash temper reactions to bullshit, even if it was done without malicious intent

a thousand micro aggressions building up over your life

‘why are you so angry’ ‘why can’t you just explain it calmly’ 

maybe its because it never ever ends

and you explain it to one person and they get it and you feel good, because thank fuck, someone listened! someone grew! someone changed! someone genuinely meant it when they said sorry

turn around

and there are more people doing the same thing

what are you supposed to do

what are you supposed to do, other then scream

okay but i need to reblog this once more because this is literally the truest shit in the whole world


“not every show needs queer characters”

well not every show needs 25 straight white carbon copies of the same characters from every other show ever aired in the history of television yet here we are with ten thousand of you on tv and one of me if I’m lucky

how dare you eat a feast, throw me a bone while I’m starving, and then tell me to be happy that I’m finally equal to you you spoiled entitled brat

We’ve been taught a woman’s body will cause men to sin. We’re told that if a woman shows too much of her body men will do stupid things. Let’s be clear: A woman’s body is not dangerous to you. Her body will not cause you harm. It will not make you do stupid things. If you do stupid things, it is because you chose to do stupid things.

How to See a Woman: A Conversation Between a Father and Son  (via albinwonderland)


Reminder that the creators of Night Vale made their show without any corporate sponsorship or financial compensation other than donations and selling T-shirts and they made it to the number one slot on Itunes and they did it with a godblessed openly queer protagonist and an explicitly dark-skinned love interest thank you and good night.


being homosexual or bisexual isn’t disgusting. but you know what is disgusting? when a man finds it ok for two girls to be making out or something of the sort just because it makes his dick hard, but when its two girls or, god forbid, two men that are in an actual, well-founded relationship and in love, the man finds that disturbing and immoral and wrong. now thats disgusting.